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Relaxing into What Is: A Non-Residential Mindfulness Retreat
Saturday 15th March, 10-5
Sunday 16th March, 10.30-5

You can attend either in person or online – tickets for each option are available. For those attending in person, the event will take place at the Whirlow Spirituality Centre, Whirlow Grange Close, S11 9SY.

About the retreat

Dharma teachings invite us to meet our experience in a direct and immediate way rather than through our familiar patterns of holding on to or rejecting experience. These patterns of push and pull take us away from the present moment and we struggle.

Through greater familiarity with our patterns, we can cultivate an awareness that spaciously includes all that arises rather than contracting around our experience. When we are less contracted, we can delight in the present moment and relax into what is.

This weekend of practice will include instructions, guided meditations, dharma reflections and a chance to ask questions.

The retreat will be held in companionable silence, including during the lunchtime. Chairs, mats, meditation cushions and hot drinks will be available. The venue is wheelchair accessible.

About the teacher

MAT SCHENCKS has been practising Insight Meditation under the guidance of teachers at Gaia House since 2003. He has been leading day retreats and short courses since 2011 and trained as a Dharma teacher with Bodhi College. Mat is also a student of the Diamond Approach and works as a psychotherapist and coach in Milton Keynes.

One of his talks can be found on dharmaseed:


His website is: https://matschencks.com/
Please find more information with the booking button below.

The ticket price goes towards the costs of organising the event. The teachings are offered freely and you will be invited to give a donation (Dana) of your choice at the end of the retreat.


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