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We are delighted to confirm that this will be 2 day in-person and online weekend retreat led by Kirsten Kratz

The eventbrite booking link is here.


The Transformative Potential of Giving …. and Receiving

The path of meditative development and liberation described in the Buddhist teachings rests, among others, on the beautiful quality of generosity.

According to the Pali suttas the “talk on giving” (dana katha), emphasising the value of generosity, were  the first teachings offered  by the Buddha in his “graduated exposition” of the Dhamma. Only after the listeners had come to appreciate this virtue would other aspects of the teachings be introduced.

Exploring and nourishing  the heart’s capacity for generosity can be seen as a way of being that opens and heals the heart, freeing it from fear and contraction. The generous heart can dare to connect more fully  to a natural care for ourselves, a boundless love for all beings and the empowering wish to serve and to share.
Generosity, as an aspect of freedom and awakening, will support our capacity for kindness, care, compassion and joy. It can transform the very way we perceive the world.

During our time together we  will explore the heart-mind’s capacity for generous presence and engagement.  There will be periods of sitting and walking meditation, meditation suggestions, guided practices, reflections and opportunities  to meet with Kirsten

Link to give dana to Kirsten: paypal.me/thecouragetobelong

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